Our Volunteers Are Our Unsung Heroes

Annah Makofane and Melody Luyt, two Hospice East Rand Volunteers.

A volunteer is defined as someone who offers to do something freely. Hospice East Rand is blessed with such special men and women who give of their time freely in our charity shops.

Our volunteers support our shop managers in all aspects. They sort through donated items to ensure things are in working order, clean and ready for resale. Where necessary they help wash, iron, mend and repair items to ensure that stock on the floor is good quality for the next person to enjoy. They also give of their time on the shop floor helping customer, ringing up purchases and in some cases fetching donations from the community.

Not many people realize that they do all of this out of the goodness of their hearts with no financial gain. We could not function without these selfless people. They are real gems and we are immensely grateful to them for giving so freely and tirelessly of their time.

If you are looking for somewhere to give back to your community please consider volunteering in one of our ten charity shops. We are short staffed and would be so appreciative of your support. If you would like to get involved, please email carla@hospiceeastrand.co.za or call her on 011 422 1531.